Date: 19 January 2022
Life in private practice can be very exciting but challenging, as there is a wide variety of clinical scenarios. Implant therapy has been the ideal treatment option in replacing missing teeth due to its highly documented success over time. This is well evidenced by the plethora of high-powered studies. Quite often the reasons for success of implant therapy is attributed mainly due to the design and surface characteristic of the implant itself. Commonly overlooked are the quantity and quality of the bone itself. Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is often needed to allow for predictable implant therapy. It allows for clinicians to feel safe placing a dental implant whether it is in native/pristine bone versus a previously grafted area. In order for a GBR to be successful, biomaterials and surgical technique are of paramount importance. One of these aforementioned factor alone is insufficient in achieving desirable results for predictable long-term implant therapy.
Title: Strategies for Managing the Deficient Ridge: Lessons learned Over 17 Years.
Speaker: John Kim
Date: 19 January 2022, Wednesday
Time: 8.30pm to 10pm
CDE points: 2 points.
Format: Webinar
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